Family man, Attorney, Advocate, Air National Guard Colonel.

Now running for Oregon State Senate


Advocate for Agriculture, Free Speech, Second Amendment, and Life.

Mike fully supports farms and ranches throughout Oregon, prioritizing food security. He advocates for free speech, protecting First Amendment rights, and fostering open dialogue. Mike also strongly supports the Second Amendment and responsible gun ownership, and he is dedicated to protecting the rights of mothers and families, valuing the sanctity of life at all stages.

The Rule of Law

I am not alone in seeing the degradation in the commitment of our state and federal leaders to

the rule of law. When as a society we begin to value, or fear, the demands of the mob more than the rule of law, we are in jeopardy of seeing ourselves and fellow citizens subject to selective

justice. I am troubled by what I have observed, and by the delight in cancel culture by so many.

I am even more troubled by government officials using their positions to target political opponents or their supporters. Whether you live in a red state or a blue state, no citizen should be subject to selective prosecution or civil process based on their political beliefs or activities. The long-term consequences to our republic due to a loss of trust in the administration of justice should not be underestimated. If elected, I will oppose efforts to limit our constitutional rights and will advocate for policies that ensure due process of law for all people.

Food Security

Both sides of the food supply chain are under strain. On the consumption side, many rural

Oregonians have seen rising prices outpace the ability to afford balanced and nutritious meals for themselves and their families. While the increase in demands on our food banks and distribution systems has been largely unnoticed in rural Oregon, the strain is real and growing. One in ten Oregonians face hunger each day.

On the production side of our food supply, there is a growing antagonism toward modern agriculture. Initiative Petition 3 is the most current example. Whether it’s a legal assault on agricultural practices or a strategy of death by a thousand cuts, the strain and costs to producers are becoming unbearably high. I am concerned that our state government, under its current management, will increase its antagonism to agricultural production. If elected, I will work to support those who have food insecurity and oppose policies that show antagonism to sound agricultural production.

The Budget Competition

If there is anyone who believes that our federal budget can maintain deficit spending on

current levels over the rest of this decade and longer, I haven’t met them. Nor have I heard of a

rational argument that it can. Yet few elected members of our state and federal government are talking about the consequences that lie ahead for our state and country. Soon, there will be budget competitions in our state government as reality collides with this out-of-control spending exuberance.

I am very concerned that rural Oregon and our smaller towns will be on the losing end of that competition. We have all seen how groups reliant on state government expenditures can market their budget increases that leave opponents isolated and labeled as uncaring. Also, our state is managed by and large by people who believe industry and small businesses are deep bottomless pockets. But capital is mobile, and Oregon is not exempt from seeing businesses relocate to better tax environments. Oregon, like all states, must weather the coming storm of the federal government’s budget reckoning. I don’t believe Oregon’s state government is prepared for that storm. If elected, I will advocate for services in our rural communities and incentives for our local economies.


Oregonians want change because we know we can do better. I recognize that effective

solutions in the years ahead are not easy. But what we can do, we must do. If we fail to act for

the benefit of our children and grandchildren, we leave them with significant problems and a

compromised future. Our Founders envisioned that our elected leaders would spend some time out of office; and not become professional politicians like President Biden and so many, many others.

I've been away from the state legislature for nearly five years. That time away was good and I

understand why our Founders didn’t want career politicians. I am ready to step into the

legislative assembly again, to help maintain the rule of law, to get our state budget and economy through the tough years ahead, and to put affordable food on our tables -- the basics of good government, but sadly lacking attention in Oregon today.

"I believe in rural Oregon and will fight for her always."

- Mike McLane

Meet Mike

Mike McLane is a dedicated family man, attorney, and experienced advocate with a 33-year legal career, including service as a circuit court judge and law clerk for the Oregon Supreme Court. He resides on a 10-acre property in Powell Butte, Crook County, where he and his wife Holly raised their three children. McLane also has a strong political background, having been elected to the Oregon House of Representatives five times, and he served as the Republican Leader for six years during his tenure. In addition to his legal and political roles, he holds the rank of Colonel in the Oregon Air National Guard and has over 20 years of military service, including assignments at the 173rd Fighter Wing and in the Oregon Army National Guard's 41st Infantry Brigade.

Attributes of Mike








"As I step away from this role, I am honored to strongly endorse Mike McLane to serve as our next senator for Senate District 30. Mike is a proven leader and has the experience, character, and knowledge of the district to represent our communities very well. I am confident he will be an exceptional voice and advocate for eastern and rural Oregonians in Salem, and he has my full support."


"Mike McLane is a fierce advocate for Central Oregon, and I fully support his campaign for State Senate. I know that if elected to the State Senate Mike will do everything in his power to bring real balance and a commonsense approach to Salem."


"I am honored to say that Mike Mclane, family man, successful businessman, former State Representative, former Circuit Court Judge, and now accomplished Central Oregon attorney, is a good, true, and trusted friend. We spent many years in the Oregon legislature working closely together on too many difficult issues to count. In my opinion, there is no better person than Mike to be the State Senator for Oregon Senate District 30."

County Judge Seth Crawford

"I endorse Mike McLane for State Senate," said Crook County Judge Seth Crawford. "Mike's service to Crook County over the last 12 years has been incredible, both as our State Representative and as a Judge, and as a member of our community."

Chairman Paul Anderes, a Union County commissioner

"Mike McLane knows Eastern Oregon, its people, its industries, its potential," said Eastern Oregon Counties Association Chairman Paul Anderes, a Union County commissioner. "As the next Senator for District 30, Mike McLane will continue to provide a strong voice for all of Eastern Oregon in Salem."

Jefferson County Commissioner Kelly Simmelink

"I'm proud to endorse Mike McLane for Senate District 30!" said Jefferson County Commissioner Kelly Simmelink. "A proven leader and former judge, his track record in the Oregon House speaks volumes. With dedication and experience, he's ready to step into big shoes and continue the phenomenal work for our district."

Judge Bill Hart,

Harney County

Judge Scott Myers, Grant County

Judge Dan Joyce, Malheur County

Commissioner Barry Shullanberger, Lake County

Commissioner Mark Wunsch, Jefferson County

Lake County Commissioner James Williams

Lake County Commissioner Mark Albertson

Grant County Commissioner Jim Hamsher

State Senator Daniel Bonham

State Senator David Brock Smith

State Senator Kim Thatcher

State Senator Brian Boquist

State Representative Mark Owens

State Representative Werner Reschke

State Representative Greg Smith

Commissioner John Rowell, Grant County

State Representative Jeff Helfrich

Deschutes County Commissioner Tony DeBone

Deschutes County Commissioner Patti Adair

Redmond Mayor Ed Fitch

Grant County Commissioner Kristen Shelman

Crook County Commissioner Brian Barney

Crook County Commissioner Susan Hermreck

State Representative Shelly Boshart Davis

State Senator Bill Hansell

State Representative Vikki Breese-Iverson

Ron Jacobs, Malheur County Commissioner

Jim Mendiola, Malheur County Commissioner

Shane Alderson Baker County Commission Chair

Oregon Farm Bureau Federation

Oregon Chiefs of Police Association

Oregon Family Farm Association

Oregon Gun Owners

Associated Oregon Loggers

Young Republicans of Oregon

National Electrical Contractors Association

Oregon Right to Life

Associated Wall and Ceiling Contractors

Sheriffs of Oregon

Defend Small Business PAC

International Union of Painters and Allied Trades District Council 5

Iron Workers Local 29

Oregon forest industries council

Oregon Business & Industry Candidate PAC

Endorse Mike McLane

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